Mike Becker by Hirschfeld
Solid strategic thinking based on years of marketing experience with key brands from major companies to new brands from emerging companies.
More than ever, the medium is the message. Everything is moving faster including our minds say geneticists. Communications still must be focused, relevant, inspired, impactful while credible.
Execute creatively and with passion but always with the realization that time is short, life is good, living should be fun.

Academy Securities
This unique investment bank is is our nation’s first and only Post-9/11 Veteran and Disabled Veteran Owned and Operated investment bank with strength in public finance, fixed income and equity trading and underwriting. It is headed by former Naval officers CEO Chance Mimms and President and former NY Giants super bowl winner Phil McConkey.
Academy leverages intensive past Military training, in depth current financial experience, geopolitical knowledge and broad networks.
The agency refined and modified their logo, created their first theme line or positioning line which states their philosophy in only two words MISSION DRIVEN. The agency also worked on the mission statement, copy about the services provided and brings a whole branding effort to the front.
The agency designed and launched their website in January 2017. They have recently updated the site internally as they have grown with capabilities.
Besides dramatizing the Wall Street and military experience, the agency’s job was to express a feeling of being “proud out loud” for this unique company.

Shifman Mattresses video
View this 60 second commercial for a luxury 120 year old 100% handmade mattress company. You won’t fall asleep.

“I am stuck on Band-Aid ’cause Band-Aid’s stuck on me” *
:60 seconds
25 year campaign for J&J Band-Aid’s
Writer – Mike Becker
Art Director – Harry Webber
Music – Barry Manilow
Client – Gerry M. Ostrov
Actor – John Travolta
Actress – Terri Garr
at Papert Koenig Lois, Ted Bates Worldwide, BBDO, and Young & Rubicam Advertising

Vote For Millburn
Committee to Elect Stoller & Saccomandi to Millburn Township Committee
These two experienced business executives, but novices to politics, had major concerns/issues about their important, close to NYC, town we all live in. The Democrats had decided to support two of their incumbents desiring to run again. Our candidates switched parties making the point that in local political parties are not as relevant.
The candidates asked us to help create a platform and media strategy. beckercomm generated a unique internet domain name, VoteForMillburn.com, that was short hand for the non partisan battle cry for all materials. We preceded to create ads, video commercials, banners, printed handouts, a fully fleshed out website, 700 lawn signs and a 5,000 word unique 8 page newspaper dedicated to the issues plus offering potential solutions.
As New Jersey has a strong Democratic population, so does Millburn/Short Hills Township. Becker took the 1972 expression “all politics is local” literally – the logo is blue not red shaped like an American flag and the themeline is
“Don’t vote for party. Vote for yourself, your family, your kids. Vote for Millburn”
November 7th, 2023 we find out if the non-partisan approach worked in a heavily Democratic area.

The Elizabeth Winterbottom Team
New Jersey Transit station poster campaign
Having worked for this Keller Williams Premier Properties regional real estate team for many years, beckercomm came up with a unique and inviting train station posters tailored to the main towns they serve in Northern New Jersey.
While two very different campaign headlines and visuals at each station the message is on the same strategy. “We’re Your Neighbors” features the whole Team posed with house warming gifts and “We Know Your Stop” features only the founder of the group located in a well known central location for some of the important communities they serve.
All posters document the local town that each Team member lives in.
They begin their run in early October 2023.

Bill Bradley for President
This was the agency’s first assignment. The process of building the team of Madison Avenue All Stars from scratch, and the work itself, took place during a two-year period. Work consisted of helping to create strategies, concept statements for research, theme and creative execution exploration. The agency designed the original pin logo, fundraiser logo and contributed to the message writing and creative explorati0ns. The campaign headquarters office was located nearby in West Orange, New Jersey. While the effort as you all know was not successful, it was a worthwhile and valuable attempt. Bradley would have been a great leader and was a three term NJ Senator.

The People’s Health Clinic, Park City, Utah
People’s Health Clinic is a volunteer-driven, community supported non-profit clinic providing high quality, no cost healthcare to uninsured residents near Park City Utah. The agency created a modest change to organization’s name, crafted a totally new logo and added a three word theme line that is used everywhere in English and Spanish. You can see the new look and feel in posters used in fund raising events and on the new website that launched in October of 2022.

American Express Corporate Card *
Worked on many aspects of their business for 11 years including work on well-known 10-year full media campaign for The Corporate Card for Small Business titled “To Your Success”.
* Account/client worked with during 30 years on Madison Avenue at
Papert Koenig Lois, Ted Bates Worldwide, BBDO, and Young & Rubicam Advertising

Dupont Corian
This was a fun spec commercial in an attempt to win the Dupont Corian business. While consider a little risque in back, it would hardly be considered that today. But it was fun and it all worked out well.

Dearborn Builders NY Times ad
Dearborn Builders, located in Pt. Pleasant NJ, builds luxury homes on or near the Atlantic Ocean in Monmouth and Ocean County. On December 13, 2015, the agency ran an ad in The New York Times Magazine section for Dearborn with a visual we shot from a drone with a GoPro camera. The home is a fantastic 15,000 square foot ocean front. The ad announced the new positioning line for the company – Built for Life – it means build for your life and lifestyle and build to last. A two minute YouTube video also launched that same day. That can be seen at:

Military.com is a major portal in San Francisco, Washington DC and New York. They launched in the first quarter of 2000 and serve the 30 million Americans who currently wear or who ever wore a military uniform in this country and others with close ties to the military. Starting before the launch, the agency created and produced the corporate logo, theme, mission statement and creative for more than 300 billboards, magazine/newspaper ads and posters highlighting the unique services of this important online community. In early 2004, public company TMP Monster.com purchased Military.com with an all cash offer.

Masterwork Chorus
Our firm just recently created a whole new branded website for Masterwork Chorus. Not only are they a wonderful chorus with a rich and long history but they also have the privilege of returning each year to the world famous Carnegie Hall to perform the Messiah.
The Masterwork Chorus has over 100 voices. Founded in 1955, the mission is simple, direct and meaningful. The non-profit chorus is dedicated to enrich, delight and support the cultural life of the community through high-quality inspiring choral performances.
The site is located at Masterwork.org

Envision Inc. (non-profit for the blind)
Web work, Theme Line, Branding, Some Photography
Our agency worked with this good size non profit based in Wichita for 4 months on overall rebranding and in particular their all important new website.
Envision was founded in 1933 in and is now one of the largest employers in the nation of individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
Our team created their new and invaluable theme line used on the website (EnvisionUS.com) and on all materials. Envision the Possibilities
We also wrote mission or positioning copy, added photos to add to what they already had and advised on the website front page and all other pages.

Winterbottom NY Times Ad
The agency has been creating image ads for this top regional realtor since 2006. Her latest image ad ran in the December 13, 2015 issue of The New York Times Magazine section as a color full page message. It invited New Yorker’s, considering moving to the towns she represents in NJ, to call and come out for a tour. To help get the point across, Elizabeth was photographed standing right in the middle of the George Washington Bridge.

The Hemangioma Treatment Foundation
Launch ad for national medical foundation dedicated to helping children born with disfiguring and dangerous vascular birthmarks. Agency created their logo, theme line, first website, print ads and two TV public service commercials inviting actress Dyan Cannon to be spokesperson.

Klesse Architects
Created business and marketing plan for this top regional architect. Launched new website including all copy and some of the photography. Created image ads and renamed firm from Klesse Associates to Klesse Architects.

Major Brands *
During Madison Avenue years, Mike was Creative Director on Jello, Dr Pepper, KFC, Time, J&J, Apple, AT&T, Met Life, Army, Postal Service, Cadbury, Bulova, Birds Eye, Sanka, Puerto Rico, Eastern, Ford, American Express, Air France, Hyatt, HBO, Showtime, United, Colgate, M&M Mars, Prudential, Coors, Michelob, Peace Corps, Avis.
* Account/client worked with during 30 years on Madison Avenue
at Papert Koenig Lois, Ted Bates Worldwide, BBDO, and Young & Rubicam Advertising

Cando Fitness
Can Do Fitness Clubs – The agency created a totally new website for this upscale group of fitness clubs located in Short Hills, Princeton and Edgewater, New Jersey. The agency created the new positioning line YOU CAN DO, did all of the design and copy and took a dozen of the photos used. The site was more than 80 total pages and helped to bring in many new clients. The owner eventually decided to sell the chain of fitness centers to a large medical fitness corporation. They are currently operating under a new name. But it was a great experience.

Winterbottom Homes
The agency creates all of the image ads for this award winning top regional realtor, Elizabeth Winterbottom. The positioning line or theme line has been and continues to be “The art of buy and selling homes.” Each image ad gives a special touch to her personal and dedicated approach to helping clients.

JC Penny Life Touch Portrait Studios
Highly emotional spec commercial that was responsible for winning advertising assignment from this national chain of portrait studios.

Earth Day *
Working for then Major Lindsey’s office, created the first ever TV, print and poster campaign in 1970’s supporting new April 22nd event still called Earth Day.
* Account/client worked with during 30 years on Madison Avenue
at Papert Koenig Lois, Ted Bates Worldwide, BBDO, and Young & Rubicam Advertising

Launch commercial for new phone number for life – all media, direct mail, print, television. Purchased Spinners 1976 song “Whenever you call, I’ll be around”. *
* Account/client worked with during 30 years on Madison Avenue
at Papert Koenig Lois, Ted Bates Worldwide, BBDO, and Young & Rubicam Advertising

NY LifeSpring LLC
Design and copy for website and marketing materials for business that matches women who cannot or should not conceive children using their own eggs with healthy, well-balanced, young women who wish to donate.

President’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports *
10 years of work in all media for this major Washington DC based non-profit that supports physical fitness in schools. Work was recognized by three President’s of the United States.
* Account/client worked with during 30 years on Madison Avenue
at Papert Koenig Lois, Ted Bates Worldwide, BBDO, and Young & Rubicam Advertising

Ungerer & Company
In 2008 the agency created a branded website for this flavors and fragrances company that has been family owned since 1893. The value proposition or vision statement for the worldwide firm, consisting of flavors, fragrances, essential oils and aroma chemicals, is summed up with: WE CREATE EMOTION. Recently one of the largest and finest flavors and fragrance companies in the world purchased our former client. Hopefully they will keep the value proposition We Create Emotion. So far they have.

The Hemangioma Treatment Foundation
Mini-documetary public service television commercials using actress Dyan Cannon as spokesperson about true-life story. This national medical foundation is dedicated to helping children born with disfiguring and dangerous vascular birthmarks. Agency created their logo, theme line, first website, print ads and two TV public service commercials.

SoFresh, Inc.
The agency launched a website for a remarkable new product that can “positively save food”.
Our clients, with decades of packaging experience, developed an all-natural “secret sauce” for this unique and important product. The audience for this B2B product is food producers, wholesalers and retailers.
We named the product coverings/containers that retard mold in bread, berries, cheese, SoFresh. The domain is easy to remember and relevant: SoFresh.com
The theme line/mission statement we created is: We Positively Save Food.
SoFresh is committed to mitigating food spoilage. Their team is dedicated to fighting food waste in the US and throughout the world.
The FAQ section is quite interesting and educational. One of their advisor investors is Bill and Melinda Gates and their Village Global Foundation.

Inamed Corporation
Designed and produced annual reports for several years and created first ever value proposition for this NASDAQ medical device company.

Sharon Klesse Interiors
We created a first website for this talented interior decorator. We also created a small space print ad campaign based on the same concept of “I reflect you” which was our value proposition for this client.
Our modest research showed that many home owner prospects who might consider an interior decorator feel the decorator may impose their strong ideas. We wanted to assure these same prospects that Sharon Interiors does not do this but instead works with your ideas and direction.
This makes for a refreshing difference.

Military.com logo
Logo and one word theme line designed at startup of this Internet information company appealing to 30 million men and women currently in or ever associated with the armed forces.

Birds Eye
Ad for Birds Eye Frozen Vegetables.
What a wonderful campaign for General Foods and the creative team. We went around the world shooting actor Dan Resin singing or actually saying the praises of the authentic taste of Birds Eye International Style Vegetables. In each country Dan stated at the end of the commercial “even though we make it over there (pointing to America) it tastes like here (it is obviously which country he is in when he makes that statement). There were a lot of countries and a lot of recipes or flavors. it’s an oldie but a goodie.

Millburn/Short Hills NJ video
Originally posted on Nov 16, 2012 and now reposted on beckercomm.com website Jan. 6, 2016. 20,000 people have seen this short 5 minute video about life in a great town
The video shows a lot about the Township of Millburn, New Jersey which was founded in 1857. MillburnUSA is a video about Millburn/Short Hills that was shot over a 6 month period and edited down to 5 minutes from over 20 hours. The narrative video explores all aspects of life in historic rustic Millburn/Short Hills, NJ. The goal: increase the knowledge of Millburn but also instill even more pride in one of America’s greatest towns.